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Shiro_Fuyu aka Weissneko

18+ Aussteller auf der DoKomi

Shiro_Fuyu aka Weissneko

I'm Shiro_Fuyu, also known as Weissneko, your friendly Erocosplayer extraordinaire! With a sprinkle of cuteness and a dash of sass, I bring characters to life. But beyond the costumes and the glitz, I'm just a cute, hot mess with a heart of gold and a penchant for getting a little lost along the way. Cosplay isn't just a hobby for me; it's a love affair fueled by dedication and enthusiasm.So, get ready to join me on an adventure filled with laughter, passion, and maybe a few adorable mishaps. I can't wait to meet you! 🐾💫

I speak English and German 😊

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