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Universaria Art

18+ Aussteller auf der DoKomi

Universaria Art

Are you looking for aesthetically pleasing art? Or are you interested in silly and cute pigeons? Then my booth is the right place for you to visit! This year it's my first time exhibiting my art in the 18+ Area of Dokomi and I'm really looking forward to finally present you also some aesthetic nude art. I especially enjoy drawing anatomy which I can show perfectly in NSFW artworks. Bet you've already seen my black and white Kitsune banner in the 18+ area!
Besides spicy art I also have a variety of SFW and cute art and merch with chibis and cute animals, mostly for all pigeon lovers. Come by and say hi! <3

Triff Universaria Art auf der DoKomi! Jetzt Eintrittskarten sichern!

Übersicht aller 18+ Aussteller auf der DoKomi - Oder schaue Dir unsere Zeichner-, Fashion-, Fanprojekt- oder Aussteller-Stände an.
