Bring & Buy

Bargain and more!

Are your well-read mangas slowly gathering dust on the shelves? You haven't seen your anime for ages and they only serve decorative purposes? Your wardrobe is bursting at the seams with cosplay and J-fashion outfits that you haven't worn for a long time?

Then bring them to DoKomi and offer them to other enthusiastic fans for whom your old clothes are still worth a lot! Not only can you make others happy, but you can also earn money with it. The principle of Bring & Buy has been very popular at many conventions for years and is used again and again.

You are now asking yourself how it works? Well, the name "Bring & Buy" is actually self-explanatory: You bring your items to DoKomi, tell us a price you want for it and we sell it for you. Really simple and convenient, isn't it? Because you don't have to stand by your things and can have your goods sold at Bring & Buy while you enjoy the convention.

Interested? Then come up to your attic and dig out your old stuff so that we can turn it into cash for you!

If you have questions or suggestions, please contact


Bring & Buy-Regeln EN

Bring & Buy form
