What better place to celebrate the Pokémon franchise than at one of Germany's biggest anime conventions? For this reason, DoKomi and the Grugapark Poké-Liga are once again combining forces to bring you: The DoKomi League Pokémon Tournament!
Attention! All times listed are subject to change. Follow the Grugapark Poké League on social media to be informed about all updates. To qualify for our tournament finals, you will compete against other challengers in the preliminary round on Saturday. The best Pokémon Trainers will then have the opportunity to prove their skills on the Community Stage on Sunday. On-site registration begins on Saturday, June 07 from 10:00 a.m. at our DoKomi League booth in the gaming area. There you will have time to face other participants in the preliminary rounds in a double elimination system from 1 pm. The duration and number of preliminary rounds will depend on the number of participants. The double elimination system means that you are not eliminated immediately after the first defeat, but still have the opportunity to qualify for the final rounds on Sunday. You are only eliminated from the tournament after the second defeat. On Sunday, June 08, the final will take place on the DoKomi Community Stage. We kindly ask all opponents of the finals to report to our stand by 10:30 am.
What you need for your participation
- A device of the Nintendo Switch family
- So also Switch Lite, these can only get no feature matches.
- A game of the ninth generation, Pokémon Karmesin or Purpur with the latest update.
- Preferably a power bank to ensure power supply
- Failure of the Switch will result in your own defeat in battle
- Registration is only possible on site.
The rules
Doubles matches are played according to the VGC rulebook Rule Set I (preliminary planning), which must be downloaded in advance. The open-sheet rules will be used. The linked registration form can be used for this purpose. No Play! Pokémon points can be earned in this tournament.
Tournament registration form to fill out in advance
Here you can download and fill out a form for the Pokémon team of your choice participating in the tournament. Simply fill it out at home and print it out and bring it with you. The official battle rules will be linked at the official Gruga-Liga website as soon as they have been announced.
Contact: mail@grugaliga.de