Booth opening times

Every exhibitor or fan booth must be manned during all days of the event and during the entire opening hours. Below you will find an overview of our official opening hours - please make sure that your stand is manned and ready for operation in good time.


Buyers of VIP tickets and representatives of the press, for example, will have access to the halls half an hour before the official opening. The opening times listed below take this into account.

Two hours before the start of general admission, visitors will be able to go through ticket control and into the indoor areas between the halls, but not into the halls themselves. In this way we ensure that the admission situation is relaxed.

Day Opening times Admission of visitors into the courtyard
Friday 12:30 pm - 8:00 pm from 11 am
Saturday 9:30 am- 8:00 pm from 8 am
Sunday 9:30 am- 6:00 pm from 8 am